Roy Tay (S201/2015):
"From doing this project, I learnt about how building something requires a lot of thought and considerations. For example, our final product looked extremely different from what we imagined it to be at the start. Other than the physical model, we also encountered a lot of difficulties with the digital model. However, we managed to overcome all of our problems and perfected our final product, step by step, cardboard by cardboard."
Team reflections from S206 (2015):
Reflections on challenges faced:
"We faced quite a few challenges while building our designs but managed to improvise and fix it. By far the most annoying one was the scale as we had to always keep in mind how big we had to build our designs and since it was at a class level, in order for it all to look good when pieced together, the scale all had to be the same and we had to change some of our designs because of it. Another challenge was the usage of paint to colour our zones, we should have all painted the same colour for our land and sea but we could not as we did not use the same colour or ran out of paint to share."
Marcus Tay S203 (2015):
"Working in such a big project has many challenges. One of it is co-ordinating with the two next door
“neighbours” on their pathway to link up our building with their land. Secondly, the class has to agree on the scale of the Palau Tekong Kechil Island, which was very hard to adhere to as it requires logic and math. Overall, I feel that this project has been very interesting and it forces us to solve problems on the spot and working with our group members."
Sandy S202 (2015):
Sandy S202 (2015):
"Even though the project was fast-paced, it was fun and enjoyable. Our group faced a number of set-backs. We initially could not decide on a theme and had troubles planning how the structures would look like and where the structures would be. Even though we came up with ideas along the way, having a solid plan would have saved us a lot of time and we wouldn’t need to rush as much when we were building the model. Despite all these, I felt that we worked well as a team together and felt a sense of accomplishment when I saw the finished model."